Steps to Install Sideload Lightning Add-ins

Steps to add sideload add-ins for desktop

  1. Create a folder that you want to share.
  2. Right click on that folder and select Properties.
  3. Select “Sharing” tab and click on Share button.
  4. Click on Share button.
  5. Click on Done button and then close dialog.
  6. Open that folder and add Manifest.xml file that provided.
  7. In Excel, go to "File" > "Options" > "Trust Center" > "Trust Center Settings".
  8. Select "Trusted Add-in Catalogs" and Shared path in "Catalog Url" and click on "Add Catalog" button.
  9. Catalog is added in table and then check the box “show in Menu” and click on OK and close dialog.
  10. Restart Excel.
  11. Go to “Insert” > “My Add-ins”.
  12. In popup select “SHARED FOLDER” and then select plugin and click on ADD button.
  13. Plugin is added.

Steps to add Sideload Add-ins for Web

  1. In Excel, Go to “Insert” > “Add-ins”.
  2. Select “MY ORGANIZATION” tab and then click on “Upload My Add-in” button.
  3. In popup click on “Browse” button.
  4. Select Manifest.xml file and click OK and click on “Upload” button.
  5. Plugin is added.