Idea Generation with Industry Models
Industry model vs. Comp sheets
An industry model is a sheet that capture key industry KPIs that lets you track all the companies within an industry. These models track operational performance and helps you identify share win/loss, inventory buildup, margin deviation from the industry.
A comp sheet is usually a valuation sheet, where you can track each company's valuation over time.
With an industry model, you can identify companies that are performing better or worse than their peers from an operational perspective, with a comp sheet you are identifying valuation differences within a set of companies.
Industry models let you benchmark KPIs across companies.
What are the key idea generation processes with industry models?
1. Tracking differences
With an industry model, you can find out when a company is doing something different from the rest of their peers. Is an auto manufacturer building up more inventory than sales? Is a restaurant experiencing growing same-store-sales when the rest are stagnating? These are questions you can answer in seconds with an industry model.
2. Speed
The first to identify companies that buckle an industry trend is able to generate outsized value. Historically, industry models take a long time to update. Daloopa's updating feature allows you to update industry models as the documents are released, and therefore arrive at decisions faster.
Watch a 3 min video explaining how this works
Updated about 3 years ago